Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top 10 Things I Did on Christmas 2010 that I have never done before...

As I went through the day yesterday I realized that I was accomplishing many Christmas Day firsts.  If I had been at home with family, the day would have most likely consisted of waking up at the crack of dawn (which I know Jack forced everyone to do) eating cinnamon rolls, watching football, drinking beer, and eating way too much food.  Yesterday my plan was to stay as busy as possible to keep my mind occupied as not to get too depressed.  In the course of the day I accomplished 10 things that I have never done on a Christmas day before.  Here they are:

10.  Ran a 10k Christmas Jingle Fun Run

09. Swam .7m miles

08. Did laundry

07. Received mail

06. Went to a shopping mall

05. Ate schwarma and hummus

04. Smoked Shisha (relax, its just tobacco from a water pipe)

03. Skyped with my wife and kids

02. Went to mass presided by an Arch-Bishop

01. Went to work---no pictures of this one....

So as you can see it was a busy day.  Thank you all for the awesome presents and I really cant wait to see you again soon.  Hopefully next year it will be a much more relaxing Christmas day.

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