Saturday, November 8, 2008

The "Chocit" Monster

Jack's love affair with chocolate continues. He spotted a bag of M&Ms and madness ensued. The beginning of the chocolate attack... shoving a few in his mouth.
Happily chomping away on some orange M&Ms.

This is what an addict looks like.

The aftermath.
What you cannot see in this photo is that he literally had chocolate everywhere. On his legs, his diaper, his arms. Everywhere. Notice we are in the bathroom for some serious de-chocolating. But, he's just so darn cute it's hard to resist giving in and letting him have his chocolate fix.


Anonymous said...

Jack, I completely understand your addiction. I would like to be able to tell you that it gets better as you get older, but "chocit" remains my biggest weakness!

Amy Higley said...

I will give you chocolate, Jack. In fact I'll bring you m&m cookies and chocolate fudge to further enable your addiction. See you soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures!