Sunday, October 26, 2008

Adventures on the Potty

Yesterday in the middle of a costume, er, clothing change, Jack took of his diaper, walked to his potty and did his business. All by himself. No prompting. In fact, Kevin was on his way to return the diaper to Jack's little bottom when he saw him on the potty. We celebrated Jack's big accomplishment by doing the "Jack went pee pee on the potty" song and dance.

After all the excitement, we sort of reenacted the big event. I think Jack was just so proud of himself that he was eager to sit on the potty again so we snapped a few pictures and a video.

Jack was a little more modest in the photos than in the video so don't mind his manlihood. (By the way, if this video looks awesome, it's because it is. It's the first video on the blog taken with our new camera. )

Pardon our nastiness, but I'm going to go ahead and include a picture of the goods in the potty.


Anonymous said...

He is such a GEM!!!!!

Papa Lou said...

That's AWESOME. Memere and Papa Lou and so proud of you...