Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Jack is currently way into the Beyonce song "Single Ladies." When we're in the car he says, "Bouncy radio mama?" which is his way of asking to listen to the song. When we're home, he asks to see Bouncy on the TV. He also, totally unsolicited, began referring to the song as "Ring on it." (If you aren't as familiar with Beyonce as Jack is, the words "put a ring on it" are repeated throughout the song.)

Here's Jack asking to watch "Bouncy."

Does he seem a little too excited to you?

So I'm starting to think we should spend more time listening to children's songs rather than random Top 40 muaic. I mean, what does it say about us that Jack knows more words to Beyonce than he does to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?


Unknown said...

That's too funny! Just prepare yourself, though, once you start with the children's music it's the ONLY thing you'll ever have playing in your car! Lily and I know the words to children's songs I'd never even heard of when I was a kid, but I couldn't for the life of me tell you what normal people are listening to on the radio these days! ;)

Amy Higley said...

I now insist on turning that song up very loudly each time it comes on. It makes me miss him, but it makes me think of him singing it. :)