Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

Jack woke up bright and early Christmas morning. (Waking early... what else is new? But the saying bright and early isn't exactly true because it was still very dark outside.) But, we all drug ourselves out of bed to see if Santa Claus came to our house. He did. And he brought Jack a train table!

Jack was a little out of it in this first video, but he quickly warmed up and opened every present he got his little hands on without realizing (or caring) that one might actually be for someone else.

I love that Jack sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating. Trains are hard work.

Jack got a lot of other awesome toys, too. He likes hammering on his new tool bench. Nevermind that he uses the wrong end of the hammer.He was also very excited about a giant Cars activity book.Elizabeth had a good Christmas morning, too.She got lots of cute clothes and a super cuddly bear.Hope your Christmas morning was as special and fun as ours.

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