Thursday, June 26, 2008


For literally several months we've been saying, "Jack is teething" and we've been wrong. It was our go-to explanation for everything: random lack of appetite, runny nose, fussiness, you name it. Well, we're finally right: he's teething. And that's putting it mildly. He is literally cutting SIX teeth right now - both bottom lateral incisors and all four of his first molars. He's going to have a mouth full of teeth in a couple of weeks!

We printed this awesome teething chart to keep track of when his teeth break through. It makes it clear that Jack gets his teething habits from the Marsh side of the family because he is a late teeth bloomer like me, his Aunt Amy and his uncle Mike.

1 comment:

Cheyenne and John said...

Can't wait to see the teethy grin!!! He's so stinkin cute!