Friday, January 9, 2009

The Name Game

Jack recently learned to say his last name and it is super cute to hear his version of his full name. (He will even throw in the Robert on occasion.) Because we were talking about names, Kevin taught Jack our first names. It was cute at first that he could say Kevin and Kate, but it is weird when your two year-old says "Tate, T'mon, Jack room, pay choo-choo!" when he wants to play with his trains. I have been telling Jack, "You call me 'mama'" to which Jack once replied, "O'tay Tate."

Luckily, he's returned to calling us mama and dada (although, he's been calling Kevin "daddy" a lot), but he still has a very cute answer when we ask our names. Check it out:


Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable. His vocabulary is ready to "explode".

Anonymous said...

I want to EAT HIM UP!!!!!!!