Monday, January 19, 2009

Time For Change

Yes we can...convince Kate to cut Jack's hair. It is getting totally out of control. With the lack of humidity Jack has been doomed to have straight "Monkey's" looking hair and I want to cut it off so he looks like a nice, clean-cut, little man. So please take part in the vote and together we can overcome Kate's stubborness and let Jack return to his natural state of handsomeness. Make your voice heard by taking the poll on the right.
Oh yeah...our daughter is looking pretty ridiculous these days also. But she's a little girl and can get away with it.


Lesli said...

Sorry Kevin - I voted for the long blonde curls :) I know K is going to chase our little boy around with scissors so at least I can live vicariously through Jack's adorable beach boy look!! I LOVE IT!!!

Amy Higley said...

I'm quite a fan of the blond curls!

I think you should keep it long until he starts school.

Can you get some curl enhancer for less humid days? I hope that does not cross any kind of parenting boundary.

Anonymous said...

Just want you all to know that even though I voted for an immediate haircut, I still think Jack is the cutest boy ever, no matter what his hair is like! I just happen to love short little boy hair cuts.

Papa Lou said...

We love him just the way he is...just keep it out of his eyes but leave the long hair for a while longer.:)

Amy Higley said...

Joseph votes for an immediate haircut. Now that you have a daughter you can let her have the girl hair and give Jack a boy haircut.

(Amy thinks that isn't very nice)

Anonymous said...

By the way Elizabeth's little "wings" are adorable!

Kristin said...

I voted for the cut, only because you don't want him to start looking like Kate Hudson's son, Ryder.

Kacee said...

Kate and have embarked upon very risky territory here. It is quite possible to create some enemies with a question like this! I, for one, would like to say that Jack is adorable no matter what you decide. :)