Friday, January 16, 2009

Time Out!

Jack's been, um... "testing" us a bit lately so we've started putting him in time out. We haven't had to resort to it often, only a couple of times, but it has already been pretty effective. We give him two warnings and if he doesn't change his behavior he has to stand on a tile ("his square") for a minute. And, apparently Jack got the message because the other day he put his train Emily in time out. I asked him why Emily was in time out and Jack said, "She not listen!" I nearly died laughing and, of course, grabbed the camera.

Here he is getting on Emily's level to tell her to stay in time out.Doesn't he look mad at Emily for misbehaving?
(Why, oh why, is my child never wearing pants?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was actually about to ask whether emily might be in time out for stealing his pants...