Jack was thrilled when we set up his bed and even though it was only 10:30 in the morning he kept laying on the bed and saying, "I bed. Nigh' nigh'." We ran a few errands, got lunch and Jack fell asleep in the car on the way home. He woke up a little when we brought him in from the car and then settled right into his big bed where he's been sound asleep for an hour and a half.
A picture so you can get some perspective on how low the bed is. We put the mattress directly on the bedrails.
We need to finish setting up the room (and the guard rail!), but we'll post pictures of his big boy room when it's completed.
Wow, that was easy!
Update: one night's sleep and two naps down in the big boy bed! So far the transition has been ridiculously easy.
further proof he's perfect
Love the bed. Maybe he needs big boy fighter plane shoes... http://www.robeez.com/Robeez-Jet-Fighter-Brown-Baby-Boy-Shoes-Robeez-baby-shoes/product.aspx?ProductID=792&deptid=300&PriceCat=2&Lang=EN-US
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